

Communicating with our families and school community is very important to us at Sacred Heart and we use Class Dojo to help us do this effectively.

Class Dojo is a free app that can be accessed on a smartphone or tablet alternately it can also be accessed on a desktop computer. Parents/carers are invited to join and are linked to their child’s class and the school story. Staff will share pictures and information about a range of different things including what the children are learning, events in school and things to celebrate. There is also a secure messaging system where parents and staff can contact privately about school work-related issues.

Please speak to the class teacher or the school office if you have not already signed up to Class Dojo. It is a very easy app to use and staff will happily help out if needed. Posts can be translated into 35 languages and it is a great to keep in touch with all the wonderful things happening in school. Please note there is an option to pay and upgrade to class dojo plus, this is not needed for school.

Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award