Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

PE Lead – Mrs R Dickinson and Mrs J Warner


PE Long Term Plan

PE Policy

PE Skills Progression


The aims of our PE curriculum are for our children:
- to be able to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and how to be safe in and around water
- to practise skills in a wide range of activities, alone, in small group and in team situations
- to develop healthy, resilient and enthusiastic children for physical activities
- to apply skills learnt to attain higher levels of performance
- to learn about the benefits of and maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, being able to remain physically active for a sustained period of time and being aware of risks to health (dangers of drugs, alcohol and lack of exercise)
- to access and experience as many different facets of physical activity as possible in their school life
- to become well-rounded, creative and responsible young people
- to develop techniques and strategies to improve their own and others' performance
- to be encouraged in becoming excellent young leaders, organising and officiating and evaluating what needs to be done to improve
- to be good role models, be able to work independently, motivating and showing a positive sporting attitude to others
- to further increase their level of performance in extra curricular activities and to encourage participation in competitive sport in the local area

Breakfast, Lunchtime and After School Clubs
Throughout the year, Sacred Heart provides a number of activities that all children are welcome to attend. Many lunchtime clubs are used in preparation to play in inter-school competitions in the borough.
Breakfast clubs for Football and Dance have been introduced in 2017.
Teaching staff and Premier Sport coaches organise and supervise these lunchtime and after school clubs:

Football KS1
Fencing KS1
Archery KS1
Tag Rugby League KS1
Dodgeball KS1
Boccia KS1
Athletics KS1
Orienteering KS1
Football KS2
Rugby League KS2
Tag Rugby League KS2
Pop Lacrosse KS2
Netball KS2
Basketball KS2
Hockey Quiksticks KS2
Dodgeball KS2
Cross Country KS2
Rounders KS2
Orienteering KS2
Cricket KS2
Athletics KS2
Volleyball KS2
Tri-Golf KS2
Adventure Service Challenge KS2
Just Join In (Inclusion) Days KS1
Just Join In (Inclusion) Days KS2

Play Leaders
Y6 children apply to be play leaders organising and providing activities for KS1 during lunchtimes Monday to Thursday. This helps Y6 play leaders to become more independent and responsible. On Friday lunchtimes, KS1 children are encouraged to play games independently using the games play leaders have introduced.

The Golden Mile
Sacred Heart has joined the national initiative to promote an increased level of physical activity in children by creating a route of one mile in the school grounds. Classes will walk, jog or run the mile initially throughout the week with the target of achieving a mile a day individually.

Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award