

Our Mission Statement

Live and learn with Jesus.


Mrs Ahmed - Headteacher

Welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School  

We are very proud of our modern school which provides a wonderful place for teaching and learning.  We have an active Friends of Sacred Heart group who arrange termly events which allow parents and children to have fun together and provide us with a regular income.  We have close links with the parish community – parishioners help us organise groups such as Rosary Club and are catechists for the children during their sacramental programme.

I am very proud to be the Head Teacher – everyone works hard and has high expectations.  We hold a number of national awards – Basic Skills, Gold Sports Award, Gold Mental Health Standard, Dyslexia Friendly School, PLN-Enhancing, EAL-Bronze award and Work Related Learning Gold Award.  If you would like to know anything more about our school do not hesitate to phone or email.

Thank you for the interest you have shown in our school.  Mrs H. Ahmed

Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Award