Welcome to Class 4 - Year 1 and 2

Class Teacher - Mrs Frith

Supporting Class 3 is Mrs Downs and Mr Judge

Class 4 - image 0
Class 4 - image 1
Class 4 - image 2

Here you will find important information but also see some of the wonderful learning that takes place throughout the year.

Class 4's weekly timetable...


Reading - Children are expected to read every evening for at least 10 minutes. They should return books every Monday and Friday so they can be changed.  


Homework - From January the children will be set weekly spellings and Mathletic tasks.  Following a parent meeting we will start to send a Phonics screen practice test home.


PE - Children should come into school in PE kit on Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Please find resources that will help with your child's learning at home under the Home Learning

Year 1 tab and Home Learning Year 2.

If you need any help or have any questions about anything at all, then please get in touch with us through Class Dojo.