Monitoring & Evaluating Policy  


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh


Monitoring & Evaluating Policy


 Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.





The process of self evaluation is cyclical as evident below:-

At Leigh Sacred Heart we strive, in partnership with home, parish and the wider community, for the highest standards of education for all the children in our care. We have challenging but realistic expectations for all and aim to foster a climate where all members of the school community work together to appraise performance and set targets as part of an ongoing school improvement cycle. We believe that systematic self evaluation provides the key to school improvement. At the heart of this process lie four key questions:

  • Are all the pupils in our school learning as much as they are capable of learning?
  • What can we do to find out?
  • When we answer this question how do we know we are right?
  • What might we do about it when we have the answer?


To ensure that such a process has the maximum impact on standards it is vital to identify underachievement objectively, to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching and to make use of information gathered to inform the school improvement planning process.



The key elements of self evaluation are the evaluation of teaching standards.

Evaluation of Teaching

The monitoring, evaluation and support of teaching are central to school improvement. Such systems will consist of:

  • Structured and systematic classroom observation by appropriately trained personnel.
  • Regular monitoring of teachers’ planning
  • Scrutiny of children’s work.
  • Pupil interviews.
  • Teacher feedback incorporating action planning for improvement.

Evaluation of Standards

  • Regular and systematic assessment of pupils via both formal assessments (including baseline) and teacher assessment, incorporating analysis of assessments and test results.
  • Measurements of results against previous performance, (value added) national and local comparators and benchmarks.
  • Use of data analysis in the setting of challenging but realistic individual, group and school targets.
  • Systematic record keeping which informs both planning and target setting.

Both the school self evaluation process and performance management are aimed at raising standards of teaching and learning within the school; as such these processes are inter-linked and mutually supportive. Systems for self evaluation will be monitored annually supportive by the Headteacher and SMT, with appropriate improvements and developments made.


Adapted: Autumn Term 2022

Review Autumn Term 2024