Marking & Feedback Policy  



Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh


Marking and Feedback Policy


 Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.




At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh, marking and feedback is an integral part of the learning and assessment process. The purpose of marking and feedback is to move children forward in their learning and enable staff to plan Quality First Teaching.


Principles of marking and feedback

  • The process of marking and offering feedback should be a positive one with pride of place given to recognition of the efforts made by the child.
  • Marking and feedback is the dialogue that takes place between teacher and pupil, ideally while the task is still being completed.
  • Marking should always relate to the lesson objective and, increasingly, the child’s own personal learning targets.
  • Comments should be appropriate to the age and ability of the child, and may vary across year groups and key stages.
  • When appropriate, children should self-assess their work against the objective of the lesson.


Guidelines to marking and feedback

The date and learning objective should be clearly indicated on the piece of work.

Ticks are normal where work is correct, and crosses or a dot where errors have been made.

Children should be given opportunities to mark or give feedback on their own and others work.


Marking code

The Learning objective is highlighted yellow to indicate the child has met the learning objective. Dots underneath the learning objective show that the child has a level of understanding.

Pink is used to indicate errors the child has made. If possible allow the child opportunity to correct the errors indicated.

Stamps may be used; to give an indication of the support given with a piece of work; praise and indicate if verbal feedback has been given.

Independent Writing

Areas of work highlighted yellow indicate that the correct features of the type of writing based on the learning objective have been used.

Areas of work highlighted pink are the next steps.


Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022