Equality Scheme 

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

Equality Scheme


Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.



 Overarching policy statement

a) In accordance with our school Mission Statement, aims and objectives we pledge:

  • to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils;
  • to educate them about equality; and
  • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.

b) We will assess our current school practices (“Equality Impact Assessment”) and implement all necessary resulting reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

c) We will promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels, comparing our school community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief, and
  • socio-economic background.

2. Statutory requirements

The equality objectives in section 10 below address our duties under current equality legislation, up to and including the Equality Act 2010. They also relate to the Wigan Council procedure for recording incidents involving pupils in schools.

The address plan in section 11 below addresses our duty under the Special Educational needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001.

The community cohesion plan in Section 12 below addresses our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006. It also covers the statutory requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework.

1. Community cohesion: a shared contextual statement

The following statement outlines both the data and current issues relating to ethnicity, religion/belief and socio-economic factors. In examining the school’s context, it relates closely to the beginning of the SEF. It demonstrates the awareness of the governors and their community partners of how the school community compares with the wider community, both locally and nationally. It therefore forms the basis for planning the actions in section 12 below to promote community cohesion.

  • Ethnicity/culture  context of the school (local and national) 14% of our school population are E.A.L children. We have 19 world nationalities in our school.
  • Religion /belief context of the school (local and national) Most children are from a Christian background with 85% being from Catholic homes. We do have several Muslim and Hindu families within school.
  • Socio-economic context of the school (local and national) Unemployment in the area is in line with National averages. The percentage of people aged 16 – 74 with no qualifications is however higher than national average.
  • Current issues affecting cohesion at school, local and national level

We are an inclusive school and over the coming years plan to make further links with groups so children can develop relationships with others from different backgrounds.

1. Responsibilities

One named governor Mrs Eileen Johnson takes the lead but the governors as a whole are responsible for:

  • drawing up, publishing and implementing the school’s equality objectives
  • making sure the school complies with the relevant quality legislation: and
  • making sure the school Equality Scheme and it’s procedures are followed
  • monitoring progress towards the equality objectives and reporting annually.

The Head Teacher is responsible for:

  • making sure steps are taken to address the school’s stated equality objectives;
  • making sure the equality, access and community cohesion plans are readily available and that the governors, staff, pupils, and their parents and guardians know about them;
  • producing regular information for staff and governors about the plans and how they are working;
  • making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out; and
  • taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice –related incidents.
  • enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to students, staff, parents/carers and visitors to the school.

All staff are responsible for:

  • promoting equality and community cohesion in their work;
  • avoiding unlawful discrimination against anyone;
  • fostering good relations between groups; and
  • dealing with prejudice-related incidents;
  • being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping;
  • taking up training and learning opportunities.

Mrs Helen Ahmed (Head Teacher) is responsible overall for:

  • dealing with reports of prejudice-related incidents.

Visitors and contractors are responsible for:

  • following relevant school policy

1. Staff Development

This section outlines our process for training and development in relation to equality and cohesion, in terms of professional responsibilities as well as statutory requirements.

The Head Teacher has received INSET training on equality and cohesion which she shares with all staff. The Learning Mentor and Admin Assistant have attended training and use the SENTINEL system.

2. Publication and review

This Equality Scheme fulfils statutory requirements under the terms of legalisation referred to above. As it is a public document, the school government publish it by making it available on request and by sending an electronic copy for monitoring purposes to the local authority by email to p.coulson@wigan.gov.uk

The scheme will be kept under regular review.

3. How we report on progress and impact

A report on progress with the actions listed below will be recorded by the governors.


Evidence will also be kept of the impact of our actions to promote community cohesion, in respect of ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

1. How we conduct equality impact assessment

This section outlines our process for monitoring the potential impact of school practice in terms of

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

We have a detailed tracking system in school which we use to monitor our school practice. The Head Teacher and SMT regularly meet to monitor and evaluate systems to ensure equality.

Equality objectives identified are included in the three-year plan in section 10 below.

2. How we chose our equality objectives

Our equality objective-setting process has involved gathering evidence as follows:

i. from the equality impact assessments listed in Section 8 above,

ii. from the following data

  • School Tracking data
  • Attendance data
  • Domestic violence data
  • RAISE on LINE data
  • SIMS data

iii. and from involving relevant people (including disabled people) from the start in the following way:

  • visiting school to discuss their needs with children and suggesting ways we can change our practice
  • INSET from Mr P Coulson (CYPS Equality and Diversity Officer)

The evidence was then analysed in order to choose objectives that will:

i. promote equality of opportunity for members of identified groups

ii. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and

iii. foster good relations between different groups in terms

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity, or disability,
  • sexual orientation and
  • age.

Equality objectives (focused on outcomes rather than processes)


  • Continue to work to narrow the attainment gap for FSM children


  • Develop children’s awareness of the needs of Refugees
  • Obtain further multicultural resources for classes to use


  • Further developments in teaching boys and girls about equality


  • Further develop the prayer needs of the children and collective worship within school

Sexual orientation

  • To ensure homophobic language is eliminated from school


  • To further develop opportunities available to our disabled pupils
  • To make children, staff and parents aware of mental health issues
  • To address our action plan developed following our Dyslexia Friendly School Award

1. Three-year access plan

 This can relate very closely to the disability elements of the equality        objectives in Section 10 (0n page 6), except that it covers pupils only whereas the equality plan includes all members of the school community.


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i. improvements in access to curriculum

Following four successful years using our Theme Based curriculum. It will be reviewed Summer 2022 to ensure access to all. Tracking data will be reviewed termly to ensure equal access in English and Maths for all pupils

ii. physical improvements to increase access to education and associated services.

Our new school building ensures access for all

iii. improvements in the provision of information in a range of formats for disabled pupils

1. Three- year community cohesion plan

The choice of appropriate actions to promote community cohesion is based on the needs identified in the contextual statement in Section 3 above, relating to ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

For this purpose, the four geographical dimensions of “community” are as follows:

  • the school community
  • local communities
  • communities across the UK
  • the global dimension


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i.teaching , learning and the curriculum

Our themed based curriculum review ensure all pupils have equal access to teaching and learning throughout our curriculum

ii. equity between groups in school, where appropriate

Termly analysis of pupil progress using our tracking system will ensure equity between groups

iii. engagement with people from different

backgrounds, incl extended services

As indicated in our S.D.P we intend to further develop our links with the local community to ensure children (and staff) develop relationship with people from other cultures



Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022


Equality Scheme 

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

Equality Scheme


Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.



 Overarching policy statement

a) In accordance with our school Mission Statement, aims and objectives we pledge:

  • to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils;
  • to educate them about equality; and
  • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.

b) We will assess our current school practices (“Equality Impact Assessment”) and implement all necessary resulting reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

c) We will promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels, comparing our school community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief, and
  • socio-economic background.

2. Statutory requirements

The equality objectives in section 10 below address our duties under current equality legislation, up to and including the Equality Act 2010. They also relate to the Wigan Council procedure for recording incidents involving pupils in schools.

The address plan in section 11 below addresses our duty under the Special Educational needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001.

The community cohesion plan in Section 12 below addresses our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006. It also covers the statutory requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework.

1. Community cohesion: a shared contextual statement

The following statement outlines both the data and current issues relating to ethnicity, religion/belief and socio-economic factors. In examining the school’s context, it relates closely to the beginning of the SEF. It demonstrates the awareness of the governors and their community partners of how the school community compares with the wider community, both locally and nationally. It therefore forms the basis for planning the actions in section 12 below to promote community cohesion.

  • Ethnicity/culture  context of the school (local and national) 14% of our school population are E.A.L children. We have 19 world nationalities in our school.
  • Religion /belief context of the school (local and national) Most children are from a Christian background with 85% being from Catholic homes. We do have several Muslim and Hindu families within school.
  • Socio-economic context of the school (local and national) Unemployment in the area is in line with National averages. The percentage of people aged 16 – 74 with no qualifications is however higher than national average.
  • Current issues affecting cohesion at school, local and national level

We are an inclusive school and over the coming years plan to make further links with groups so children can develop relationships with others from different backgrounds.

1. Responsibilities

One named governor Mrs Eileen Johnson takes the lead but the governors as a whole are responsible for:

  • drawing up, publishing and implementing the school’s equality objectives
  • making sure the school complies with the relevant quality legislation: and
  • making sure the school Equality Scheme and it’s procedures are followed
  • monitoring progress towards the equality objectives and reporting annually.

The Head Teacher is responsible for:

  • making sure steps are taken to address the school’s stated equality objectives;
  • making sure the equality, access and community cohesion plans are readily available and that the governors, staff, pupils, and their parents and guardians know about them;
  • producing regular information for staff and governors about the plans and how they are working;
  • making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out; and
  • taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice –related incidents.
  • enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to students, staff, parents/carers and visitors to the school.

All staff are responsible for:

  • promoting equality and community cohesion in their work;
  • avoiding unlawful discrimination against anyone;
  • fostering good relations between groups; and
  • dealing with prejudice-related incidents;
  • being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping;
  • taking up training and learning opportunities.

Mrs Helen Ahmed (Head Teacher) is responsible overall for:

  • dealing with reports of prejudice-related incidents.

Visitors and contractors are responsible for:

  • following relevant school policy

1. Staff Development

This section outlines our process for training and development in relation to equality and cohesion, in terms of professional responsibilities as well as statutory requirements.

The Head Teacher has received INSET training on equality and cohesion which she shares with all staff. The Learning Mentor and Admin Assistant have attended training and use the SENTINEL system.

2. Publication and review

This Equality Scheme fulfils statutory requirements under the terms of legalisation referred to above. As it is a public document, the school government publish it by making it available on request and by sending an electronic copy for monitoring purposes to the local authority by email to p.coulson@wigan.gov.uk

The scheme will be kept under regular review.

3. How we report on progress and impact

A report on progress with the actions listed below will be recorded by the governors.


Evidence will also be kept of the impact of our actions to promote community cohesion, in respect of ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

1. How we conduct equality impact assessment

This section outlines our process for monitoring the potential impact of school practice in terms of

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

We have a detailed tracking system in school which we use to monitor our school practice. The Head Teacher and SMT regularly meet to monitor and evaluate systems to ensure equality.

Equality objectives identified are included in the three-year plan in section 10 below.

2. How we chose our equality objectives

Our equality objective-setting process has involved gathering evidence as follows:

i. from the equality impact assessments listed in Section 8 above,

ii. from the following data

  • School Tracking data
  • Attendance data
  • Domestic violence data
  • RAISE on LINE data
  • SIMS data

iii. and from involving relevant people (including disabled people) from the start in the following way:

  • visiting school to discuss their needs with children and suggesting ways we can change our practice
  • INSET from Mr P Coulson (CYPS Equality and Diversity Officer)

The evidence was then analysed in order to choose objectives that will:

i. promote equality of opportunity for members of identified groups

ii. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and

iii. foster good relations between different groups in terms

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity, or disability,
  • sexual orientation and
  • age.

Equality objectives (focused on outcomes rather than processes)


  • Continue to work to narrow the attainment gap for FSM children


  • Develop children’s awareness of the needs of Refugees
  • Obtain further multicultural resources for classes to use


  • Further developments in teaching boys and girls about equality


  • Further develop the prayer needs of the children and collective worship within school

Sexual orientation

  • To ensure homophobic language is eliminated from school


  • To further develop opportunities available to our disabled pupils
  • To make children, staff and parents aware of mental health issues
  • To address our action plan developed following our Dyslexia Friendly School Award

1. Three-year access plan

 This can relate very closely to the disability elements of the equality        objectives in Section 10 (0n page 6), except that it covers pupils only whereas the equality plan includes all members of the school community.


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i. improvements in access to curriculum

Following four successful years using our Theme Based curriculum. It will be reviewed Summer 2022 to ensure access to all. Tracking data will be reviewed termly to ensure equal access in English and Maths for all pupils

ii. physical improvements to increase access to education and associated services.

Our new school building ensures access for all

iii. improvements in the provision of information in a range of formats for disabled pupils

1. Three- year community cohesion plan

The choice of appropriate actions to promote community cohesion is based on the needs identified in the contextual statement in Section 3 above, relating to ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

For this purpose, the four geographical dimensions of “community” are as follows:

  • the school community
  • local communities
  • communities across the UK
  • the global dimension


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i.teaching , learning and the curriculum

Our themed based curriculum review ensure all pupils have equal access to teaching and learning throughout our curriculum

ii. equity between groups in school, where appropriate

Termly analysis of pupil progress using our tracking system will ensure equity between groups

iii. engagement with people from different

backgrounds, incl extended services

As indicated in our S.D.P we intend to further develop our links with the local community to ensure children (and staff) develop relationship with people from other cultures



Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022


Equality Scheme 

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

Equality Scheme


Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.



 Overarching policy statement

a) In accordance with our school Mission Statement, aims and objectives we pledge:

  • to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils;
  • to educate them about equality; and
  • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.

b) We will assess our current school practices (“Equality Impact Assessment”) and implement all necessary resulting reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

c) We will promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels, comparing our school community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary reactions in relation to:

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief, and
  • socio-economic background.

2. Statutory requirements

The equality objectives in section 10 below address our duties under current equality legislation, up to and including the Equality Act 2010. They also relate to the Wigan Council procedure for recording incidents involving pupils in schools.

The address plan in section 11 below addresses our duty under the Special Educational needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001.

The community cohesion plan in Section 12 below addresses our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006. It also covers the statutory requirements of the EYFS Statutory Framework.

1. Community cohesion: a shared contextual statement

The following statement outlines both the data and current issues relating to ethnicity, religion/belief and socio-economic factors. In examining the school’s context, it relates closely to the beginning of the SEF. It demonstrates the awareness of the governors and their community partners of how the school community compares with the wider community, both locally and nationally. It therefore forms the basis for planning the actions in section 12 below to promote community cohesion.

  • Ethnicity/culture  context of the school (local and national) 14% of our school population are E.A.L children. We have 19 world nationalities in our school.
  • Religion /belief context of the school (local and national) Most children are from a Christian background with 85% being from Catholic homes. We do have several Muslim and Hindu families within school.
  • Socio-economic context of the school (local and national) Unemployment in the area is in line with National averages. The percentage of people aged 16 – 74 with no qualifications is however higher than national average.
  • Current issues affecting cohesion at school, local and national level

We are an inclusive school and over the coming years plan to make further links with groups so children can develop relationships with others from different backgrounds.

1. Responsibilities

One named governor Mrs Eileen Johnson takes the lead but the governors as a whole are responsible for:

  • drawing up, publishing and implementing the school’s equality objectives
  • making sure the school complies with the relevant quality legislation: and
  • making sure the school Equality Scheme and it’s procedures are followed
  • monitoring progress towards the equality objectives and reporting annually.

The Head Teacher is responsible for:

  • making sure steps are taken to address the school’s stated equality objectives;
  • making sure the equality, access and community cohesion plans are readily available and that the governors, staff, pupils, and their parents and guardians know about them;
  • producing regular information for staff and governors about the plans and how they are working;
  • making sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive training and support in carrying these out; and
  • taking appropriate action in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice –related incidents.
  • enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to students, staff, parents/carers and visitors to the school.

All staff are responsible for:

  • promoting equality and community cohesion in their work;
  • avoiding unlawful discrimination against anyone;
  • fostering good relations between groups; and
  • dealing with prejudice-related incidents;
  • being able to recognise and tackle bias and stereotyping;
  • taking up training and learning opportunities.

Mrs Helen Ahmed (Head Teacher) is responsible overall for:

  • dealing with reports of prejudice-related incidents.

Visitors and contractors are responsible for:

  • following relevant school policy

1. Staff Development

This section outlines our process for training and development in relation to equality and cohesion, in terms of professional responsibilities as well as statutory requirements.

The Head Teacher has received INSET training on equality and cohesion which she shares with all staff. The Learning Mentor and Admin Assistant have attended training and use the SENTINEL system.

2. Publication and review

This Equality Scheme fulfils statutory requirements under the terms of legalisation referred to above. As it is a public document, the school government publish it by making it available on request and by sending an electronic copy for monitoring purposes to the local authority by email to p.coulson@wigan.gov.uk

The scheme will be kept under regular review.

3. How we report on progress and impact

A report on progress with the actions listed below will be recorded by the governors.


Evidence will also be kept of the impact of our actions to promote community cohesion, in respect of ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

1. How we conduct equality impact assessment

This section outlines our process for monitoring the potential impact of school practice in terms of

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity,
  • disability,
  • sexual orientation, and
  • age.

We have a detailed tracking system in school which we use to monitor our school practice. The Head Teacher and SMT regularly meet to monitor and evaluate systems to ensure equality.

Equality objectives identified are included in the three-year plan in section 10 below.

2. How we chose our equality objectives

Our equality objective-setting process has involved gathering evidence as follows:

i. from the equality impact assessments listed in Section 8 above,

ii. from the following data

  • School Tracking data
  • Attendance data
  • Domestic violence data
  • RAISE on LINE data
  • SIMS data

iii. and from involving relevant people (including disabled people) from the start in the following way:

  • visiting school to discuss their needs with children and suggesting ways we can change our practice
  • INSET from Mr P Coulson (CYPS Equality and Diversity Officer)

The evidence was then analysed in order to choose objectives that will:

i. promote equality of opportunity for members of identified groups

ii. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and

iii. foster good relations between different groups in terms

  • ethnicity,
  • religion or belief,
  • socio-economic background,
  • gender and gender identity, or disability,
  • sexual orientation and
  • age.

Equality objectives (focused on outcomes rather than processes)


  • Continue to work to narrow the attainment gap for FSM children


  • Develop children’s awareness of the needs of Refugees
  • Obtain further multicultural resources for classes to use


  • Further developments in teaching boys and girls about equality


  • Further develop the prayer needs of the children and collective worship within school

Sexual orientation

  • To ensure homophobic language is eliminated from school


  • To further develop opportunities available to our disabled pupils
  • To make children, staff and parents aware of mental health issues
  • To address our action plan developed following our Dyslexia Friendly School Award

1. Three-year access plan

 This can relate very closely to the disability elements of the equality        objectives in Section 10 (0n page 6), except that it covers pupils only whereas the equality plan includes all members of the school community.


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i. improvements in access to curriculum

Following four successful years using our Theme Based curriculum. It will be reviewed Summer 2022 to ensure access to all. Tracking data will be reviewed termly to ensure equal access in English and Maths for all pupils

ii. physical improvements to increase access to education and associated services.

Our new school building ensures access for all

iii. improvements in the provision of information in a range of formats for disabled pupils

1. Three- year community cohesion plan

The choice of appropriate actions to promote community cohesion is based on the needs identified in the contextual statement in Section 3 above, relating to ethnicity, religion or belief and socio-economic background.

For this purpose, the four geographical dimensions of “community” are as follows:

  • the school community
  • local communities
  • communities across the UK
  • the global dimension


Actions (focused on outcomes rather than processes)

i.teaching , learning and the curriculum

Our themed based curriculum review ensure all pupils have equal access to teaching and learning throughout our curriculum

ii. equity between groups in school, where appropriate

Termly analysis of pupil progress using our tracking system will ensure equity between groups

iii. engagement with people from different

backgrounds, incl extended services

As indicated in our S.D.P we intend to further develop our links with the local community to ensure children (and staff) develop relationship with people from other cultures



Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022
