Standards Report 

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

July 2019 - Standards Report

Data Based on Teacher Assessments from Snapshot. Snapshot is a programme we have developed with Kaledia working with three other LLG primary schools – St Joseph, Lowton West and St Thomas’.

Attainment This shows the percentage of children working at ARE (Age Related Expectation) and those exceeding ARE.


Reception -  48% of the children in our reception group achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics: 50% of the cohort achieved expected/exceeding in reading, 48% of the cohort achieved expected/exceeding in writing and 66% of the cohort achieved expected/exceeding in mathematics.

Progress This shows the average steps progress each year group has made September 2018 – July 2019. All children should have made 4 steps progress in each subject.

  • Mathematics attainment has caught up to reading attainment however progress in mathematics is 0.5 of a step behind the progress in reading. Writing continues to be the subject children attain less in and progress less in.

So, our new SDP continues to have challenging targets for all three subject areas. Interventions are in place to ‘catch up’ children that are not at ARE in reading, writing and maths.

Boys vs Girls

Attainment This shows the percentage of boys and girls working at ARE (Age Related Expectation) and those exceeding ARE using SNAPSHOT.



This shows the average steps progress boys and girls have made September 2018 – July 2019. All children should have made 4 steps progress in each subject.

  • On average girls attain better in reading and writing than boys however boys tend to attain better in mathematics. Looking at each year group there is a mixed picture, in some year groups girls outperform boys in one subject, in others boys outperform girls.
  • So, during the coming academic year staff will consider the barriers to boys’ learning and develop strategies to support them.

    Disadvantaged Pupils


    This shows the percentage of disadvantaged children working at ARE and above for each subject, in each year group compared to the percentage of non-disadvantaged children working at ARE



This shows the average steps progress the disadvantaged children have made in each subject from September 2018– July 2019  in comparison to non-disadvantaged children.

  • On average non pupil premium children outperform pupil premium children in their attainment and progress in reading, writing and maths. However if you look at each year group there are some pupil premium groups that are out performing non pupil premium children.

So, pupil premium children will be supported during the coming academic year by the HLTA staff, who will be timetabled to work with groups several times a week.

EAL children


This shows the percentage of EAL children working at ARE (Age Related Expectation) compared with the percentage of children who are not EAL at ARE.



This shows the average steps progress each year group has made from September 2018 – July 2019 for EAL children and Non EAL children. All children should have made 4 steps progress in each subject.

  • On average non EAL children perform better that EAL children in both attainment and progress however by Year 5 and Year 6 there are some instances (in reading and writing) where EAL children outperform non EAL children in both attainment and progress.

So, support for the EAL children will continue in class and in some cases from the EMAS Team.



This shows the percentage of SEND children working at ARE (Age Related Expectation) compared with the percentages of children who are not SEND at ARE.

  • The majority of SEND children work hard although they never catch up the non SEND children.

So, SEND children will have appropriate interventions throughout the academic year to ensure ‘gaps’ in their learning are addressed. Staff will be supported by Julie Thompson (TESS Teacher) and our Educational Psychologist.



Reception - 42% Good Level of Development (these results were moderated by colleagues from Wigan LA)

Year 1 Phonics – 82% of children achieved a score of 32/40 or above

Year 2 Phonic re-test – 93 % of the Year 2 children who were re-assessed passed

End of KS1

(These results were moderated by colleagues from Wigan LA)




End of KS2
