British Values


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Leigh

Promoting British Values


Live and Learn with Jesus.


We follow Jesus through fairness, kindness, love, friendship and happiness.




The Department for Education has reinforced the need to

‘create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’.


At Sacred Heart, Leigh we regularly reinforce these values in the following ways –



At the start of each academic year the staff and children in each class decided on their class rules, these are displayed and referred to throughout the academic year along with the whole school rules. Throughout key stage 2 elections are held for the School Council which meets each week with our Pastoral Lead within school and has a real say in school life.

     Throughout the academic year the need for democracy is highlighted in different ways – lately we were given a wicker deer so all the children voted for its name – he is called ‘Heart’.

      Children are regularly given questionnaires – our latest was about maths teaching in the school which are acted upon by staff.


The Rule of Law

The importance of rules is consistently reinforced for all our children. Class and school rules are visible and the need to follow these is regularly explained. The children have visitors- our local PCSos, Firemen, Open Mind Representative - who all these rules to those of the country.


Individual Liberty

Children at Sacred Heart, Leigh are encouraged to make choices knowing they are in safe and secure environment in which to do so. Children are taught how to make safe choices through PSHE and C lessons, e-safety sessions and work on anti-bullying. There are many choices the children can make at our school including to litter pick, attend Stations of the Cross with parishioners, be part of our Rosary Club, sell toys for the hospice, sell raffle tickets on behalf of the Friends of Sacred Heart, Leigh.


Mutual Respect

All children at Sacred Heart, Leigh are taught to respect each other. The children quickly learn that their behaviours have an effect on others and they need to think carefully about their behaviours. We have developed a national strategy of Young Interpreters in our school where our Year 5 children who wanted to have been trained to work with younger children that speak the same language as them.


Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At Sacred Heart, Leigh we are proud of the twenty three nationalities and range of beliefs our children have. Since we are a Catholic school within Liverpool Archdiocese we follow the ‘Come and See’ programme of work which help the children learn more about the Catholic Faith and also celebrate the faiths and beliefs of others.


Adapted: Summer Term 2020

Review Summer Term 2022
