Aims and Objectives Flowing from Our Mission Statement


1.   To treat pupils with fairness according to their needs.

  • A member of teaching staff and support staff in each class working with the children.
  • Four HLTAs working in each key stage supporting groups of children.
  • A range of afterschool/dinnertime clubs that children can take part in.
  • Everyone's commitment to 'Come and See' our RE scheme of work.
  • Children and staff taking part in assemblies anf topics finding out about other faiths and cultures.
  • Visitors in school to share their knowledge.
  • Children having a faith in the running in the school via the school council.
  • Encouraging children to understand what being fair means.

2.  To create a happy, accepting school community

  • Children's achievements celebrated by praise and displays.
  • Children receiving rewards, certificates and prizes.
  • Children and staff encouraging each other in all the activities throughout school.
  • Children taking part in 'fun' fund raising events to support those less fortunate then themselves.
  • Children and staff singing, praying, making music and writing stories together.
  • Children visiting 'new' places.
  • Children taking part in retreat/meditation sessions.

3.  To help children experience love

  • Children helping and supporting their peers and adults in the school.
  • Children and staff talking and learning about what Jesus would like and how he whats us to live.
  • Use of trained playleaders, prefects, buddies and young interpreters in school.
  • Children and staff caring for one another.
  • Children following rules and showing respect for others.
  • Children having a say in the running of the school by the school council.

4.  To develop kindness throughout the school

  • Children and staff working together and doing their best for each other.
  • Embracing class and school rules that promote kindness to one another.
  • Children developing new relationships with others.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions.
  • Children caring for others and their environment.
  • Children challenging the bad behaviour of others.
  • Children working to raise money for charitable causes.

5. To provide a community based onn friendship

  • The caring relastionships seen in school between children, staff and children and staff.
  • Good behaviour and anti-bulling policies followed by the whole school communtiy.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions on their friends.

Aims and Objectives Flowing from Our Mission Statement


1.   To treat pupils with fairness according to their needs.

  • A member of teaching staff and support staff in each class working with the children.
  • Four HLTAs working in each key stage supporting groups of children.
  • A range of afterschool/dinnertime clubs that children can take part in.
  • Everyone's commitment to 'Come and See' our RE scheme of work.
  • Children and staff taking part in assemblies anf topics finding out about other faiths and cultures.
  • Visitors in school to share their knowledge.
  • Children having a faith in the running in the school via the school council.
  • Encouraging children to understand what being fair means.

2.  To create a happy, accepting school community

  • Children's achievements celebrated by praise and displays.
  • Children receiving rewards, certificates and prizes.
  • Children and staff encouraging each other in all the activities throughout school.
  • Children taking part in 'fun' fund raising events to support those less fortunate then themselves.
  • Children and staff singing, praying, making music and writing stories together.
  • Children visiting 'new' places.
  • Children taking part in retreat/meditation sessions.

3.  To help children experience love

  • Children helping and supporting their peers and adults in the school.
  • Children and staff talking and learning about what Jesus would like and how he whats us to live.
  • Use of trained playleaders, prefects, buddies and young interpreters in school.
  • Children and staff caring for one another.
  • Children following rules and showing respect for others.
  • Children having a say in the running of the school by the school council.

4.  To develop kindness throughout the school

  • Children and staff working together and doing their best for each other.
  • Embracing class and school rules that promote kindness to one another.
  • Children developing new relationships with others.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions.
  • Children caring for others and their environment.
  • Children challenging the bad behaviour of others.
  • Children working to raise money for charitable causes.

5. To provide a community based onn friendship

  • The caring relastionships seen in school between children, staff and children and staff.
  • Good behaviour and anti-bulling policies followed by the whole school communtiy.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions on their friends.

Aims and Objectives Flowing from Our Mission Statement


1.   To treat pupils with fairness according to their needs.

  • A member of teaching staff and support staff in each class working with the children.
  • Four HLTAs working in each key stage supporting groups of children.
  • A range of afterschool/dinnertime clubs that children can take part in.
  • Everyone's commitment to 'Come and See' our RE scheme of work.
  • Children and staff taking part in assemblies anf topics finding out about other faiths and cultures.
  • Visitors in school to share their knowledge.
  • Children having a faith in the running in the school via the school council.
  • Encouraging children to understand what being fair means.

2.  To create a happy, accepting school community

  • Children's achievements celebrated by praise and displays.
  • Children receiving rewards, certificates and prizes.
  • Children and staff encouraging each other in all the activities throughout school.
  • Children taking part in 'fun' fund raising events to support those less fortunate then themselves.
  • Children and staff singing, praying, making music and writing stories together.
  • Children visiting 'new' places.
  • Children taking part in retreat/meditation sessions.

3.  To help children experience love

  • Children helping and supporting their peers and adults in the school.
  • Children and staff talking and learning about what Jesus would like and how he whats us to live.
  • Use of trained playleaders, prefects, buddies and young interpreters in school.
  • Children and staff caring for one another.
  • Children following rules and showing respect for others.
  • Children having a say in the running of the school by the school council.

4.  To develop kindness throughout the school

  • Children and staff working together and doing their best for each other.
  • Embracing class and school rules that promote kindness to one another.
  • Children developing new relationships with others.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions.
  • Children caring for others and their environment.
  • Children challenging the bad behaviour of others.
  • Children working to raise money for charitable causes.

5. To provide a community based onn friendship

  • The caring relastionships seen in school between children, staff and children and staff.
  • Good behaviour and anti-bulling policies followed by the whole school communtiy.
  • Children being aware of the impact of their actions on their friends.